
I asked my officemate any topic that she could give me that I could possibly write about. And you know what she said? 'Underground'... Hmmm... interesting but have no thoughts about it.

That's it.

Just kidding. Well it made me think though. Let's talk about life underground. What if I am leaving underground with nobody around me and nothing to keep me longing to live longer underneath the busy streets. It's dark. It's lonely. It's boring and it's one heck of a gloomy world out there. Honestly, I don't think I can live in that place but let me see... I think if I'll be given the chance to live underground for let's say about a week, it's the best time for me to reflect and realize of how's my life gonna be without my friends, family and loved ones.

Being in the dark alone, will also make me appreciate what's there outside. The trees, the birds, the sky, the rain, the sun, the sea, the mountains. I will also get to realize that I need my friends to cheer me up and to uplift my social life. That I need my family to keep my spirits high and to keep me going. That I need my loved ones to keep me happy and at peace. It will be the time that I could think of every single thing that I should be thankful about.

How about you? Will you be willing to live underground? Or rather, should you need to live underground first before you can realize what completes your life and what keeps you living?

This is the time, not that time. This is the time that you should appreciate what you have. Don't wait for the time that you'll be wrapped in darkness before you could say thank you, sorry or i love you to whoever or whatever. It may be too late...


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